Publishing Packages and Services

Custom interior layout
Custom book cover
Choice of trim size
Professional edit
Worldwide distribution
Pink Kiss Publishing online bookstore inclusion
Author personalized web page (author supplies content)
Bar code
Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)
Quick availability (usually 30-45 days)
Book formatted in eBook (Kindle and Nook)
Electronic proof
Printed paperback book proof
Author line corrections/revisions
Free paperback books
Listing in Books in Print database
Print copies of book for author at quantity discount
You set list price
You retain rights to your book
One-on-one author support
Earn 100% of all net royalties on sales through bookstores/distribution channels
Earn 75% of net royalties on sales through PKP website
Earn 50% of net royalties on eBook sales
Royalties paid quarterly (*twice yearly)
Author receives a detailed royalty report each quarter (*twice yearly)
Your book will be displayed at all Book Fairs, Expos, Festivals and Conventions attended by Pink Kiss Publishing
U.S. Copyright Registration
Automatically qualifies for our Bookstore Placement Program
12 month Book Returnable Program
Inclusion in Ingram's catalogue
Author website (with custom domain name and one year hosting)
Your own imprint
Press Release/Media Kit
Marketing Consultant
Book trailer
Inclusion in Pink Kiss Publishing's Literary Catalog
Book signing kit
Social media package
Amazon 'search inside the book' program
Publisher will organize selected author marketing/promotional events and signings.

EBook Publishing
We now offer e-Book ONLY publishing for $200!
Optional Services
Professional Edit ($0.020 per word)
Example, if your manuscript is 50,000 words. 50,000 x 0.020 = $1000 cost of edit.
Editor will:
- Correct errors in grammar and punctuation.
- Correct errors in syntax in regard to sentence structure. In certain instances, the editor may suggest the author change the sentence structure in order to preserve the intended meaning.
- Alter phrases and word choices deemed inappropriate for the subject matter or readership.
- Flag instances where permission from an outside source may be needed.
- Promote accuracy of content by providing light research as warranted. (i.e., look up biblical quotes, common statistics, etc.)
- Preserve plot line, character traits, and consistency throughout.
- Flag minor instances where the material strays from the intended purpose.
- Maintain development documents to maintain plot line and character traits in fiction titles.
- For nonfiction manuscripts, the editor will preserve consistency throughout by noting author’s individual theories, title-specific terminology, etc.
* You will receive your manuscript back with all comments from the editor and you may accept or reject the changes.
Includes custom designed front, back and spine formatted in printer-ready PDF file.
- All Layout designs include: (up to 300 finished book pages)
- Creation of Copyright page
- Creation of Acknowledgments and Dedication page
- Creation of Table of Contents
- Creation of About the Author page
- Page headers/footers/page numbers
- One (1) PDF proof for proofreading
- One round of corrections (before delivery of final print-ready PDF).
- Final printer-ready PDF file (any corrections after delivery of final print-ready PDF or digital files is subject to a $50 fee for each file).
Basic Interior Layout: $175
*For basic, text only documents that requires simple formatting. Layout usually complete within 7 - 10 business days.
Standard Interior Layout: $250
* For a more advanced layout that includes basic outlines, and bulleted lists. Also includes ten max basic graphics. Layout usually complete within 10 -14 business days.
Advanced Interior Layout: $300
* For advanced formatting that includes images, tables, charts, graphs, footnotes, block quotes, etc. Formatting usually complete within 14 - 21 business days. ***Books requiring special formatting will be an additional cost. Please email designer for a quote on books requiring special formatting.
*Rush on any formatting service available for an additional $50 and is usually completed within 72 hours.
*Books with more than 300 pages will be billed at a rate of $1.25 per additional page. For more info contact us at: or
Proof Copy $45
Receive a printed copy of the finished book and cover for final review as opposed to receiving it via e-mail in PDF format.
Manuscript Typing $300 (up to 70,000 words. $2.00 per page for each additional page)
Manuscript typing enables you to make your information digital. If your work is handwritten or prepared by typewriter, we can type your document into a MS Word file. We can also transcribe your recorded audio files into MS Word format. We can provide you with a disk and/or hard copy of your manuscript for a small extra charge.
Ghostwriting $5000 (for a book up to 300 finished pages)
You provide the outline and we will write your book for you. ***Only available with our Professional Premium and Elite Package(s).
* Author will not receive royalties on orders placed through PKP for orders of their own books
** Author pays shipping and handling cost on all orders placed through PKP
***Royalty checks will be issued quarterly (twice yearly) and will be mailed 90 days following the close of the quarter, provided the author has reached a threshold of at least $25 and has completed one (1) full quarter. Any royalties due which are less than $25 in any one quarter shall be carried over and payable in the next accounting quarter. Detailed royalty statement(s) will be issues quarterly, twice yearly, provided the author has sales to report during that accounting quarter.
**** Book Publishing Production time is approximate and depends on the publisher's workload and condition of the submitted manuscript.
***** By submitting payment for any publishing service, Author acknowledges, agrees and accepts the terms and conditions as set forth in our policies and procedures, outlined in the Author Services Agreement.
***** Any handwritten manuscript submitted for publishing, please add an additional 60 days to production time to allow adequate time for typing document into MS Word file.
****** Approximate time frame for ghostwriting is 6 to 12 months.

Pink Kiss Publishing Company
Call 228-366-6829 today to get started on your publishing journey!
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