Reverend Peter Boggan designed this book as a training tool for young ministers to have a base on which to build their messages.
His personal message that he likes to share with young clergy is "God will not drop you down a message from heaven. It comes from being prepared for the moment that you will share God's Word with His people."
He encourages young clergy to read, study, pray and meditate and in the success of all things, preparation is the key.
Author Bio:
Reverend Peter Boggan was born February 11, 1946 to Lillie Mae and Paul Boggan Jr. in Forest Home, Alabama. He vividly remembers walking 5 miles to school at the age of 6. Then during his elementary school years he would walk a total of 10 miles per day, rain or shine. Once he returned home from school, there were chores to be done. Because he worked all of his life, his fun time was going to church. He grew up in the Methodist, and Baptist churches.
“As a child I had big dreams! I would hang around my Big Momma, Annie B. Banks, who worked from sunup to sundown on her own farm. Before I was 12-years-old I owned livestock. I learned a lot from
Big Momma - from plowing the mule to going to the bank to borrow money when she didn’t have any. I started preaching at the age of 14.
I left Alabama and relocated to Mississippi when I was 19-years-old. I married and started a family, so I worked full-time during the day and attended college at night. After attending community college and vocational school, I was blessed to be able to attend seminary at Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. This was made possible by the United Methodist Church.”
Peter Boggan is also the founder of Evangelical Crusade for Christ, a non-profit ministry and outreach program dedicated to supporting those in need.